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Moderator Paul Avan
Cochlear Implants and MUSIC : The case of Jan Turbanski - 9 years ago
Jan Turbanski Cochlear implantation: right ear, 25 June 2013 ‘Playing music is my greatest passion’ Jan was interested in music since he was young. He started singing in a church choir, it was a beginning of his fascination in music. In 1977 he joined a regional folk music group ‘Chojnioki’ and started learning to play the local type of bagpipes – dudy wielkopolskie. He had to study on hby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Stories from young patients
Cochlear Implants and MUSIC : The case of Grzegorz Płonka - 9 years ago
Grzegorz Płonka Cochlear implantation: left ear, 5 November 2007 ‘Moonlight Sonata’ Grzegorz: Music is the only language in which I can fully express myself. It is my greatest passion. His passions involve playing piano and pipe organ, piano tuning and computer programming. He can express with music more than using words. Paradoxically, he is able to hear even the slightest false Stavros Hatzopoulos - Stories from young patients
Cochlear Implants and MUSIC : The case of Estera Labiga - 9 years ago
Estera Łabiga Cochlear implantation: left ear, 29 November 2005 ‘Therapy through Music’ Estera: When I was little, my mother took me to music lessons of mu elder siblings, who have musical talents, and to concerts at Philharmonic Concert Hall. My parents did not know then that I had severe hearing loss. When I was 5 and half years old, I was referred to the Institute of Physiology and Paby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Stories from young patients
The story of Adrianna Bodziony - 9 years ago
Fourteen years old Adrianna Bodziony was born with profound hearing loss. At the age of 2 years and 4 months she received at her right ear a MEDEL C40+ cochlear implant, at the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw, Poland. Today, she studies in the best junior high school in Cracow and takes part in international mathematical competitions. Her passion is in informaticsby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Stories from young patients
The story of Magda Ambroziak - 9 years ago
Magda Ambroziak is 12 years old. She has a profound congenital hearing loss. She has received a MEDEL Pulsar cochlear implant in early childhood and today attends mainstream school with normally hearing children. She is a very good student. Her favorite classes are arts and Polish language, she has even won awards in declamation contests. She is interested in languages. She is learning English, bby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Stories from young patients
Re: Success Stories 1: The case of Bartosz Chotkowski - 9 years ago
Just a technical note , Bartosz received a Pulsar / C40+ implant by Med-Elby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Success Stories
Re: DPOAE calibration - 9 years ago
Update note : Ericka .. a good idea could be to make your own stats and norms .. ie take 30-40 cases with tubes and estimate the TEOAE signal (not S/N) distribution (histogram) at various bands (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 kHz) . The mean signal value of each frequency could be a good way to evaluate other patients .. A "good way" is not always optimal .. but it is MUCH better than guby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Clinical OAE Applications
Re: DPOAE calibration - 9 years ago
Now a proper "DP calibration" guarantees the amplitude of the cubic DPOAE response (2F1-F2). Lack of proper calibration for whatever reason ( the sealing of the external meatus is the most common problem) does not imply that the DPOAE response is not valid. A response is always a response. The problem we have is that without a correct calibration we don't know what evaluation criteria tby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Clinical OAE Applications
Welcome To the CoChlear Implant Channel - 10 years ago
Thank you for arriving to this point. This discussion channel will include discussion issues related to the EDHI Phase of a screening program including implantable devices and hearing aids. Connections to Hearing screening are mandatory. Direct CI or HA questions will probably be delayed .. as out attention is focused on the Hearing Sscreening and its related technologies. Information anby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Cochlear Implants and NHS
What the new Generation of OAE devices should be like - 11 years ago
My impressions from the last meetings I have attended, is that OAE technology has arrived at a still point (plateau). I believe this is the direct consequence of using OAEs exclusively to -partially- screen infants . The OAE technology has not evolved in consumer terms, despite considerable developments in signal processing, electronics etc. I have been asked many times .. What I would like to sby Stavros Hatzopoulos - General Issues
Welcome - 11 years ago
Welcome to the new version of the Forumby Stavros Hatzopoulos - Biophysics, Ototoxicity and related protocols |