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Growth Functions (from the OLD Forum)
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Growth Functions
Posted by: R. Lambert-Porter (IP Logged) Date: July 18, 2005 09:12PM My name is Rosalind and I'm an honours audiology student at the university of Cape Town. I'm doing my honours thesis on OAEs and in particular DPOAEs. I've read in a few articles that it is better to calculate the area under the I/O function than to calculate thresholds and in one articel there is a formula that doesn't make sense to me. It suggests taking the cumulative amplitudes of the DPs between 35 and 60dB stimulus intensity, and multiplying it by 5. I'm not sure if this is a standard way of calculating the area or not. Can anyone give me any advice?
Re: Growth Functions
Posted by: michael gorga (IP Logged) Date: July 21, 2005 08:39PM There are several recent papers describing an approach for using the DPOAE I/O function to estimate threshold. The first in the series was published by Boege and Janssen in 2002, followed by work from our group (Gorga et al., 2003) and a recent paper by Janssen et al. (2005), all of which were published in JASA. In this approach, originally described in the Boege and Janssen paper, but used in all three papers, DPOAE level is covnerted to pressure, fit with a line that is solved for the stimulus level at which the pressure equals 0 uPa. There are several criteria that must be met before the DPOAE data, converted to pressure, can be used to predict behavioral threshold. But, the results are promising. Those three papers would be of interest if the goal is to predict behavioral thresholds from DPOAE data. M
Re: Growth Functions
Posted by: E. Walstrom (IP Logged) Date: December 04, 2005 12:40AM I am an undergrad student and am looking into Audiology. I have found OAE's very fascinating. I want to do a honors project on DPOAE's and am interested in this I/O function you all are talking about. What exactly is it? Do you have any suggestions where I can go to get an idea of what it is? I have looked in the references I have and articles but have found very little. The articles never really state what it is, they just discuss the outcomes of it. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it! Thanks E. Walstrom
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